Each step counts towards a brighter day. From teens sitting still to the top of Mount Everest. One step at a time.

Highlighting health with StepUp & Schools

A ten minute walk has tremendous effects on one's well-being. StepUp is a physical health initiative teaming up with schools to reach one common goal – raise awareness around daily movement and get teens to increase it. Through push-notifications StepUp boosts the individual and encourages more daily movement. Challenges between classes increase incentive to move more and create engagement. The focus is on the individual's movement while drawing the benefits of competitional elements.

Kids playing basketball

Encouraging daily movement
on the right level

StepUp is all about celebrating your movement, whether you walk 2000 or 12 000 steps per day. Each step counts and everyone is different, therefore the daily goal is unique to every user and based on their previous average.

By using the health data available in your phone StepUp can send spot-on notifications – sending kind words on a rough day, and hyping your achievements on a productive one.

Inspiring team challenges

In StepUp school classes can compete against each other in exciting challenges. The users track the progression of their class through beautiful animations of the teams performing the challenge. External stakeholders or the schools themselves can add prizes to the challenges, such as money towards a school trip to further motivate and create incentives for walking. For a lot of kids movement, and especially physical competition is discouraging due to feelings of uncertainty and ineptitude. Thus to make the competitive element encouraging for all kids the challenges are designed to never display the individual’s performance, only the performance of the whole team. Thus everyone can participate on their own terms, and each kid knows that their contribution matters.