This concept is only the beginning. It is very much scalable as long as the structure is in place. The neighbours could use the elevator system to send things to each other, or use the interface to socialise in different ways. There could also be a system for knowledge sharing, communication to tenants from landlords or board members etcetera.
The technology intended for a real life implementation already exists and are used extensively in other settings. So we only use old technology, but we use it in a new way. The large scope and many integrated parts might seem confusing, but we encourage you to look for our concept in the future, as we are certain a solution like this will appear sooner rather than later.
Regarding the implementation cost we estimate that the first versions will be expensive to build, but as more and more buildings have done the same kind of system there will be standardised solutions that cost less to install. We also think there will be a tipping point where these kinds of systems are expected as a normal living standard, but that is further ahead. To begin with, this will be offered exclusively to the residents willing and able to pay for more family time.
As one of our peer designers pointed out, the money always has to come from somewhere. If the stores would not have to exist, the cost of maintaining them would not exist either, and this would lead to less costly food, but the system would take back the earnings so in the end it would be a zero sum equation moneywise. A zero sum equation sounds unimpressive, but remember the time and effort saved when the food is readily available on your kitchen counter just a few clicks away.